-Important notice regarding COVID 19 Restrictions.-
Although from today ( 19th July 2021) most restrictions regarding covid 19 are being lifted around the country, we have completed a thorough risk assessment to observe the safety of our staff, clients and small business and we will be continuing the following guidelines:
- Please continue to wear a mask during your appointment. However, when entering the salon, sitting alone or enjoying a refreshment, please feel free to remove your mask. - Although we are very lucky to have lots of space to social distance at One Salon, Our staff have to spend from 30 mins to 2 hours in very close contact with each client and it is imperative that during this close contact that risks to staff and client are kept to a minimum.
- Please continue to use hand gel and have temperature taken on arrival.
- Please continue to arrive for colour appointments with clean hair. ( washed and dried)
- Please rearrange your appointment if you have any signs of covid, no matter how mild.
- Please do not book appointments within 2 weeks of returning from travel abroad ( even from green zones)
We will continue to wear masks when in close contact and will keep up to our high levels of cleaning and hygiene for your comfort and safety.
On a more cheerful note, the sun is shining and we can swing open all our doors and windows for air flow and we can now serve our Luxury bean to cup coffee in a real cup! Of course the ever popular Gin and Tonic Thursdays will continue, as well as our fresh bottled water.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all over the summer and would like to take this opportunity to give a heart felt 'Thank you' for the custom, support, kindness and understanding that everyone has shown us over the last 17 months.